What's all this about then?

Rules to disobey today: MIND THE GAP...........!! No ball games...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Welcome To Uncle R's Cooking Adventure

I cooked it maayeee waayeeeeee.......
Hello Hallo...

Well done you!
It doesn't matter what for yet but have a slurp of your favourite noggin anyway.
Your present to yourself for being you....Cheers..

You are clearly a capable and intelligent, worth while person as you did manage to navigate yourself to here through the tangled jungle of cyber space without being eaten by a lurking bot, smashing into a search engine or disappearing into the big black hole which is easily done. It must be hell out there...  

So come on in, pour yourself one, close all those other irritating windows on your desktop and settle down. There we are...

So here you are all parked up and safe in this little cyber kitchen with a nice glass of plonk and a bowl of nuts to soak it up a bit, though all your tastings will go to serve that purpose soon as you will see, so don't worry too much about your nuts..

Well done you..
 You have succeeded in your endeavours thus far.... To find a thoroughly good, fool proof recipe for tonight's whatever it is you are up to.... and, more to the point, how to cook it which proves you are as intrepid as you need to be to succeed with any of the recipes you will find here.
Your diners' collective tongues will love it and they will pour forth, along with the wine,  sentiments of admiration, warmth and gratitude. And you can be as smug as you like. 

So well done again!

And let that be the nature of things for ever after here. Here in our own little world of tastes and smells with lots of lovely messing about with healthy stuff that does us lots of good!
This blogwhicheventuallywillbeawebsitewhenIworkitallout is about playing with recipes that taste superb with the minimum of fuss and bother and the maximum of taste and happiness. 
It will about the tools of the trade, what to use and how to use them.
Things to buy maybe...
Most importantly, things to make. 
And things to eat...

How about that?

On the next page things settle down a bit and the text is a little more informative. 
But it is good to see you really.

Well done you! 

I would smile at you with one of those little yellow moon things that peeps play with online but I have no idea where they park them. So you will have to make do with my usual 80)
So now, relax, pull up a chair and let's have a little look...


Uncle R  
